Crusader build diablo 3
Crusader build diablo 3

crusader build diablo 3

Freeing up Cam’s Rebuttal for some other cool legendary affix, as it is NEVER used in any build. Cam’s Rebuttal’s legendary affix should be applied to Faithful Memory or to SoTL set itself. Or change Johanna’s Argument to 200%, up from 100%. This effect stacks up to 10 times) should be increased to 100-120% and increase SoTL set to a 20,000% bonus to Blessed Hammer, up from 15,000%. Secondly, increasing the bonus on Faithful Memory (Each enemy hit by Falling Sword increases the damage of Blessed Hammer 60-80% for 10 seconds.

crusader build diablo 3

What STILL happens with Falling Sword though, is that you can STILL die while your character is in the Falling Sword animation and you’re unable to potion or do anything, that needs fixed somehow first. But there’s no chance they change Falling Sword being the activation for increased damage. SoTL - I played SoTL the first season it came out and pushed into top ranks during the first month, falling sword works for the build style IMO. I believe just those 2 changes alone would bring FOTH playstyle of AOV up to par with other builds. I would love for darklight to actually be equipped, or another 1 hander equipped. I disagree with reverting the norvald set, I dislike casting FOTH so slowly. AoV - I agree with darklight getting a buff to 2,000%, for the 2pc bonus including FOTH, they could just increase the damage bonus on Khasset’s cord of righteousness to 400-500% and that would be easier coding for them.

Crusader build diablo 3